
Most Common ENT Conditions

Not just in Colorado but in many places, when people have to go to a voice clinic, that usually means a very serious condition related to their ear, nose, and especially throat. People usually let things get that far because conditions that usually require serious treatment by an ENT specialist are usually ignored until they

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Young, Wild, and Busy: Squeezing in A Workout When You’re Working 9-to-5

Growing up, I always thought I’d have time to do everything: play sports on the weekends, socialize with friends after work, get enough sleep, take care of my skin, and be buff like The Rock, all while working an office job that will pay for the bills. But after working for almost a decade and

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Why the Juice Cleanse is Bad For You

Juicin’ Ain’t Easy: Why the Juice Cleanse is Bad For You

Despite numerous studies and experiments conducted by various scientific journals and publications that completely and decisively debunk juice cleanses as being a fad AND being bad for you, there are still hardcore groups of people out there who still, regardless of all evidence pointing otherwise, believe in the power of the juice cleanse. Much like

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Ancient Babylon

Feast of Babylon: Researchers Recreate 3 Recipes from Ancient Babylon

The ancient Babylonians were known for tall towers, impractical gardens, and antagonizing ancient Judeo-Christians. But few people know that Mesopotamia was known for something else: a foodie destination of the ancient world. Much of what we know about the Babylonian diet is based on four ancient tablets written in cuneiform. It wasn’t much to go

Feast of Babylon: Researchers Recreate 3 Recipes from Ancient Babylon Read More

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