For an improved smile visit your dentist

dentist with a happy woman patient
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For a truly healthy, happy smile consider a visit to a dentist Canary Wharf. In addition to seeking treatment for general and preventive dental services, they can assist with delivering a variety of solutions from cosmetic dentistry to leading facial aesthetics treatments.

Did you know, a simple yet effective way to boost your oral health level and wellbeing is by attending regular check-ups with your local dental practitioner? Routine visits are recommended at least once every six months for adult patients, while juniors are expected to receive a check-up once a year.

These days dental treatments range from your standard general solutions such as root canal therapy, fillings and teeth whitening solutions to more advanced procedures such as having a dental implant fitted to receiving porcelain veneers for a Hollywood smile.

A number of dental practices have also begun offering a range of facial aesthetic services such as Botox and dermal filler treatments. These solutions help to minimise the visible signs of ageing and combat wrinkles found on your facial area. They can also help to soften lines and wrinkles for a more plump, youthful appearance overall.

dental surgery

Seek treatment as soon as possible to lower levels of discomfort

If you feel that you may have an infection it is recommended that you seek advice from your local dentist as soon as possible. This will not only help to combat any symptoms you may have, but can also prevent the condition from having a chance to develop and worsen.

Never ignore any warning signs your body may be sending you as this could lead to your condition developing into something more severe increasing any levels of discomfort and pain.

In some instances, patients may be required to have root canal treatment should they be diagnosed with a gum infection. If ignored, you may run the risk of having a tooth abscess or even tooth loss if left untreated for too long.

Consider professional teeth whitening at your local practice

If you tend to feel embarrassed about the current appearance of your smile and wish you could whiten your teeth, it may be time to consider a professional teeth whitening treatment. Traditional brushing with toothpaste and flossing may not be able to effectively target and remove plaque build-up which cannot be treated with normal daily brushing. You may need professional products which can target the plaque or tartar and combat discolouration and stubborn stains.

dentist tooth implant

Replace missing teeth with dental implants for an improved smile

Are you struggling with missing teeth and wish to have a professional solution to restore your smile? Your local dental practice can assist with dental implant surgery. It offers an effective solution to missing or loose teeth with long-lasting results. Patients will be required to have an assessment and consultation to establish whether or not they are a viable candidate for the implant process. Once approved, the smile journey can begin, and a personalised treatment plan will be created to offer optimal results. Dental implant surgery can help patients by having a single tooth replaced as well as multiple tooth implants for those patients who seek additional support.

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