Get to Know Your Treatment: Techniques Used In Chiropractic Rehabilitation

Woman rolling a foam roll on her back
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The musculoskeletal system’s primary functions are to generate motion and maintain stability. These functions are affected by traumatic injuries and disease. After recovery from the injuries and conditions that result in musculoskeletal issues, rehabilitation is essential to regain the range of motion in affected joints. Arizona patients may consider chiropractic rehabilitation, which centers on optimizing your recovery from an injury and reducing the probability of treatment relapses.

Many patients see little need for rehabilitative care by a chiropractor in Chandler, AZ, more so when their pain has decreased. Most musculoskeletal disorders, however, take time to develop and will require as much time to strengthen, retrain, and lengthen the affected muscles efficiently. The following rehabilitative exercises are commonly prescribed by chiropractors to reinforce office chiropractic treatments.

Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is a self-administered massage therapy designed for the relaxation of tight knots and muscles. It is so named after the original devices which were used to perform the massage. The foam rollers usually have diameters of 4-6’’ measuring one to several feet in length. Roll it along the affected muscle. Though initially uncomfortable, foam rolling will be painless over time as your muscles loosen. Moreover, the exercise effectively addresses tight muscles.


Stretching is the simplest chiropractic method of restoring the natural resting tension of injured muscles and those which have remained dormant for a long time. Depending on the degree of your muscle tightness, your chiropractor might first recommend foam rolling so that you can get the full benefits of muscle stretching. The chiropractor might suggest an exact duration and method of holding your stretches to achieve complete muscle relaxation without harming your healed musculoskeletal system.

Muscle Strengthening

A balanced activation of your muscles is essential to ease your pain and protect your joints from future injuries. This is because weak and imbalanced muscles add stress to your joints and might cause a spasm which will damage an already compromised joint.  Muscle strengthening exercises under the supervision of a chiropractor will activate specific muscle groups or muscle chains and achieve muscle balance in affected body areas.

Joint Mobility

Chiropractor cracking the back of a patient

With the progression of your chiropractic care, your chiropractor will add advanced stretching and joint mobility exercises to your rehabilitation treatment to improve the movement capacity of your entire spinal column or lengthen a muscle. These might include the positioning of a foam roller between your spinal joints or holding vigorous exercises for a prolonged period.

Most people negate the effects of their entire chiropractic treatment by foregoing the above types of rehabilitative exercises once they are up and about after a few chiropractic management therapies. Rehabilitative therapies are, however, as much a part of your treatment for musculoskeletal system conditions as your initial management therapies.

To get the most of the above rehabilitative management options, make time for the exercises throughout your day and be consistent since there is no quick fix to most musculoskeletal conditions. You should also follow your chiropractor’s instructions to the letter to ensure you do not cause more harm to an already healing muscle and joint.

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