Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland is the dentist in Mackay that offers a host of cosmetic procedures designed to align a patient’s oral health and smile goals to reality in a professional, friendly and warm environment.
Some 27% of Australians are unhappy with their dental appearance and this figure is likely to grow as there is an increasing pressure for perfection thanks to social media and the amount of importance it is placed in people’s lives.
Social media isn’t the only culprit, this pressure comes through work and social situations as well and can negatively affect a person’s mental health.
Rather than fight the inevitable, there are many small dental procedures a person can do that not only help their self esteem, allowing them to be a vibrant and true self in social and work situations, potentially leading to more opportunities, but can also improve oral health and overall health and wellbeing as well. A win-win situation.
What are some of these procedures that are being talked about?
Some procedures take several months or a couple of years to complete, and some can happen in the space of a single appointment.
By having a discussion with their dentist, patients should lay bare their hopes and wishes for their dental health and appearance so a dentist can offer solutions and both patient and dentist can work out a treatment plan that suits the patient’s lifestyle.
Some procedures that take little planning and are frequently done are crowns. These are tooth coloured caps that go over teeth that have been weakened or damaged from infection or decay. They can restore the strength of teeth and patients can eat and smile with confidence after the procedure.
Another common procedure that takes only one appointment is the popular teeth whitening. A dentist will examine a patient’s teeth before the procedure takes place in order to ensure that it is a viable option. The dentist will also consult with the patient so that they have realistic expectations for their own results. This is because as with all procedures results will vary and an honest dentist will give the patient a clear understanding of what to expect.
Other procedures that can be performed include reshaping the gums to reduce a gummy smile or to even out an unsymmetric gum shape. This is done with precise care and expertly trained dentists have plenty of experience in creating a natural looking smile by lengthening teeth and reshaping gums.
Veneers have become more and more popular over the years as they can hide a various number of different issues that a patient may have with their teeth.
From discoloured teeth, to gaps, to repositioning teeth that are slightly out of alignment, veneers are able to create a picture perfect smile that a person has always dreamed of having.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.