The fascinating history of oral implants from ancient times to modern innovations

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If you’ve ever lost a tooth due to injury or decay, you know how difficult it can be to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Fortunately, modern dentistry has developed several solutions to restore your smile and oral health, including dental implants Herefordshire. These devices are designed to replace missing teeth and provide a permanent, long-lasting solution that looks and feels natural. But where did oral implants come from, and how have they evolved over time? Let’s take a closer look.

Ancient roots of oral implants

Believe it or not, oral implants have been around for thousands of years. In ancient times, people would use shells, stones, and even animal teeth to replace missing teeth. These early oral implants were often painful and prone to infection, but they paved the way for more sophisticated solutions down the line.

dentist showing an xray

Modern advances in oral implants

Fast forward to the 20th century, and oral implants have come a long way. In the 1950s, a Swedish orthopaedic surgeon named Per-Ingvar Branemark discovered that titanium could fuse with bone tissue in a process called osseointegration. This breakthrough led to the development of modern oral implants that are safe, effective, and long lasting.

Types of oral implants

Today, there are several types of oral implants available, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Endosteal implants are the most commonly seen type and are placed directly into the jawbone. Subperiosteal implants sit on top of the jawbone and are used for patients who don’t have enough bone density to support traditional implants. Zygomatic implants are a newer type of implant that are longer than traditional implants and are anchored in the cheekbone for patients with severe bone loss. Typically, zygomatic implants are fitted over a longer session than endosteal implants.

dentist with a happy woman patient

The advantages of oral implants

So why choose oral implants over other tooth replacement options like dentures or bridges? For starters, oral implants provide a permanent solution that doesn’t require removal or replacement. They also look and feel like natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Oral implants are also easier to maintain than other options and can improve your overall oral health by preventing bone loss and preserving your natural teeth.

Also, if you invest your time and effort into oral implants, they can last up to and over 15 years, making them a worthwhile investment in your smile. But, you will need to attend check-ups as you would with natural teeth, as gum disease can cause oral implants to fall out.

In conclusion, oral implants have come a long way since the early days of using shells and stones. Today, modern advances in oral implant technology have made it possible to replace missing teeth with a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution. Whether you’re missing one tooth or several, oral implants can restore your smile and oral health in a way that looks and feels natural. So if you’re considering tooth replacement options, talk to your dentist about oral implants and see if they’re right for you.

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